During His Lunch Break, A Selfless Officer Shares Pizza With A Homeless Woman.

There are several tales that remind you that there is still hope…

The Incredible True Story Of A Woman Who Birthed 69 Children

In the Guinness Book of World Records, there is a record for…

Elderly Man Takes Hair And Makeup Lessons So He Can Help His Aging Wife

Could you imagine your partner enrolling in hair and makeup classes solely…

The Day I Lost A Parent, I Lost A Part Of My Soul And I Wish They Knew How Much I Miss Them

Anyone who has lost a parent, whether recently or early in life,…

Gang of Dogs Arrive at Hospital Waiting For Homeless Man Who Was Admitted

This week, we’re focused on kindness, and we think we’ve found the…

5 Zodiacs Who Make Best Friends!

It’s just a normal part of life that friends come and go…

To My Children, I Love You!

To my kids…If I had to choose between loving you and breathing,…